MTN is grinding away again with another free 150MB. With a basic code, you can get free 150MB data anticipate your MTN Line, in spite of the fact that the 150MB was tweaked to get to only, yet you
don't have anything to stress, with the beneath technique, you would have the capacity to get to any site and Use it to surf with any applications.
How to Get Free MTN 150MB
Simply text App to 131 You’ll receive a congratulation message of your free 150MB. To check the balance send Chkbal to 131
For PC Users to Enjoy this Free 150MB on PC
Download and extract this modified SS -for-Mtn-150MB to a new folder on your desktop background.
Connect Your Modem With:
= Proxy: leave it empty
= Port: leave it empty
= Open the file you extracted, double-click "SimpleServer.exe"and make sure is always on open.
= Configure your Browsers to Port 8080
= Remember to tick: Use this proxy server for all protocols
For Android Users, Download Android SimpleServer here. Install it on your Android Device
Create New APN settings On Your Phone As Follows:
= Proxy:
= Port: 8080
= APN:, Save And Activate it as your default settings.
Open SimpleServer and Configure the Settings as follow:
= Pproxy host:
= Proxy Port: 8080
= Injection Method: get
= Injection querry/url:
= Injection Host:
= Injection line: press your enter key 4 times
= Log level: debug
= Close the settings and click the connect button.
ACK: kudos to a fan and friend(@geek) who sheds more light on this.
As a matter of fact,i have 4 MTN sims, you know what i mean i guess?
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