Take Responsibility!

Its in you my dear........take it!
What lies behind you is history and what lies before you is future, but these are both tiny matters compared to what lies within you" as Ralph Waldo Emerson said. You may not be able to change the past, and your future is yet unlived, but the present provides you with the opportunity to maximize your life and the ability that lives within you. You must take responsibility for your ability no one else can do it for you.
    Are you living a stillbirth life? Are you aborting your entire purpose for living? I encourage you to take responsibility right now for your ability.
    Determine to activate, release and maximize.........
your potential for the sake of the next generation. Leave your footprint in the sands of the history of your country. Live fully so you can die effectively. Let your life write the speech of your death and give your potential to the family of man for the glory of God. Remember, "Well done is much better than well said." Don’t just talk about your potential dreams, visions, and ideas. Step out now and determine to do them. Dare to believe that what you have already accomplished is but a minute percentage of what you can do. Move beyond the familiar patterns and experiences of your life to the dreams and plans and imaginations that wait within you to be fulfilled.

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